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Roberto Zotti (University of Turin)

17 May 2024 @ 13:00 - 14:00


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17 May 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Event Categories:
Academic Events

Seminar series “CLOSER, but not quite” – Citizen assessment of responsibility in systems of multilevel government

Venue: Campus Luigi Einaudi, room 3 D1 01

Abstract: In decentralised settings, due to the vertical distribution of governmental powers, individuals exhibit in-group bias and rely on informational shortcuts when apportioning responsibilities among different levels of government. When it becomes challenging for voters to determine who is accountable for specific tasks, they are more likely to attribute credit and blame for policy outcomes based on their pre-existing political and non-political beliefs. The study aims to assess people’s ability to assign responsibilities accurately within various governance structures characterised by varying clarity levels in responsibility distribution. Additionally, we will gauge local perceptions of the quality of public goods and services provision and aim to investigate whether such perceptions change when we rectify individuals’ beliefs by providing accurate information about who is responsible for what. We will also explore the potential mechanisms through which individuals adjust their attributions of responsibilities.