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6th LTI@UniTO/Bank of Italy Workshop on Long-term investors’ trends: theory and practice

17 June 2025 @ 09:00 - 18:00



17 June 2025
09:00 - 18:00
Event Category:
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Academic Events

6th LTI@UniTO/Bank of Italy Workshop on Long-term investors’ trends: theory and practice

Event organized by LTI@UniTO and Banca d’Italia


The Long-Term Investors@UniTo (LTI@UniTO) initiative and the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research of the Bank of Italy are organizing the 6th Workshop on Long-term investors trends: theory and practice. This one-day event will take place on June 17th, 2025 at the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino (Italy).

Franklin Allen (Imperial College London) and Florian Heider (Goethe University Frankfurt and SAFE) are the confirmed keynote speakers.

A limited number of highly relevant contributed papers will be included in the program. Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for speakers, up to a maximum amount of 500 euros.


The workshop will bring together researchers and professionals working on long-term investors trends, both theoretical and applied, to discuss research papers and agendas.

It aims at fostering interactions between economists and professionals. Contributions from young researchers and professionals are particularly welcome. All accepted papers will be discussed by an expert in the field.

The organizers encourage submissions of papers on any topic within the overall theme of the conference and in the following areas in particular:
Long-term investors’ strategies and behavior in times of geopolitical fragmentation, rising protectionism and technological breakthroughs.
Shifting equilibria in government bond markets driven by quantitative tightening, rising indebtedness and macroeconomic uncertainty.
The evolution of sustainable investment strategies and greenlash risks.
Challenges for long-term investors stemming from increasing equity market concentration.
The rising importance of non-bank investors in credit intermediation and its consequences for the transmission of monetary policy.
The rise of cryptocurrencies, emerging financial technologies (fintech) and their impact on investment strategies.
Emerging trends in asset allocation and risk management for long-term investors, including insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds.
Shock transmission mechanisms from the real economy to financial institutions and the amplification of shocks through credit chains, fire sales, and other procyclical processes.
The use of big data and artificial intelligence to assess and manage exposure to risk factors.
Innovations in financial markets and opportunities for financial institutions.
The effects of the demographic transitions on financial markets and the role of long-term investors in tackling them.


Both theoretical and applied papers will be considered. Only papers not yet accepted for publication should be submitted. The submission deadline is April 18 th, 2025.

Interested authors are invited to send an abstract or (preferably) a complete paper in PDF format to lti@carloalberto.org. Submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail to the submitting author. Acceptance will be notified by April 30th, 2025 at the latest.


Pietro Garibaldi (University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Marcello Pericoli (Banca d’Italia)
Riccardo Poli (Banca d’Italia)
Luca Regis (University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Marco Taboga (Banca d’Italia).