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Federica Rossi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

11 June 2024 @ 12:30 - 13:30


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11 June 2024
12:30 - 13:30
Event Categories:
Academic Events

Approaches to International Collaborations in Clinical Research: a study of Italian Research Hospitals

Abstract: Understanding what factors promote research hospitals’ engagement in international research collaborations is an issue of general interest, with notable implications for policy and research management. While the factors that promote scientific production in research hospitals have garnered some attention, to the best of our knowledge there is very little research on the drivers of research hospitals’ involvement in international research collaborations. In this study, we analyse how the organisation of clinical research performed within research hospitals – particularly focusing on (i) the degree to which collaborations rely on hierarchical organisation, and (ii) the degree to which they formalise the division of labour between partners – favours different modes of engagement in international collaborations. We exploit publicly available information about Italian research hospitals. Results point to two different approaches to the organisation of research activities within Italian research hospitals, which correspond to different modes of engagement in international collaborations. The first approach to research organisation, which we term ‘group-led’, is characterised by the presence of formalised groups and flatter leadership, and results in higher share of international collaborations, but with a narrow set of countries, particularly high-income countries. The second approach, which we term ‘individual-led’, is characterised by more hierarchical leadership, and results in more geographically diversified collaborations. We derive implications for research policy and management.