The values of Collegio are based on integrity, respect, tolerance, inclusion and  fairness. In particular, Collegio rejects discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality,  gender, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.

You can find below information on how to access our resources to provide you assistance and support.

CCA welcomes students with learning disorders (Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento in Italian) to all our programs. Our faculty is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive educational experience for students. 
As a first step, students from UniTo or PoliTO with learning disorders should contact the learning disorder office of those institutions:
Then, students can follow our policy to arrange their test accommodations with faculty.
Students can contact our faculty liaison for learning disorders (Ainoa Aparicio Fenoll) for any questions or suggestions.

If you need counseling and you are part of the University or Polytechnic of Torino please refer to their counseling services:



If you need counseling and you are neither part of the University nor of the Politecnico of Torino (or you have difficulties in accessing their counseling services), please write to counselling@carloalberto.org

Students hosted at Collegio Einaudi can benefit from guidance services, psychological support and other forms of assistance aimed at supporting learning, growth and personal self- fulfilment. All the services are free of charge:


Our student code of conduct outlines how to report misbehavior.

Moreover, both the University and the Polytechnic of Torino have a Guarantee Committee and a Confidential Counselor (Comitato Unico di Garanzia - CUG).

The Guarantee Committee develops and carries out actions to promote equal opportunities, well-being in the workplace and non-discrimination.



The Confidential Counselor has the task of providing advice and assistance to anyone who has suffered from sexual or moral harassment or discriminatory behavior.



Study rooms

All CCA students may use the study rooms. Every program has a main study room, but all study rooms may be used by all CCA students without reservation of the place. In addition, all students can use classrooms when they are not used for lessons.


The CCA premises are accessible for disabled students.


A Mentor is assigned to each Allieva/o at the beginning of the Allievi Program. The Mentor, chosen from the Collegio’s Faculty, supervises the student’s academic development.

Career Coach

Students enrolled in the Master in Economics and Data Analytics and MaFIRM can benefit from a career coaching service.

Teaching evaluations

The Collegio is committed to quality teaching and academic excellence. At the end of each term all CCA students receive a teaching evaluation form to collect their feedback regarding experiences in the classroom.


All students at Collegio must follow the student code of conduct. This code (i) outlines rules that students must follow, (ii) specifies potential penalties from misbehavior and (iii) describes how to report misbehavior.


The Student Secretariat is open Monday to Friday:

  • from 10.30 to 11.30 upon appointment
  • from 14.30 to 15.30 without appointment

To set an appointment please email:

Please write ''scheduling an appointment'' in the subject of the email.


If you have remarks or suggestions regarding our student services, please contact Cristiana Moretti, Head of Educational Programs.


CERCO ALLOGGIO (accommodation)