The Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP) was established to foster internationalization and training of young researchers in its fields of study. NASP also aims at improving advanced research on both territorial and disciplinary basis, and at favouring collaborations.

For these purposes, several Italian universities and CCA signed a memorandum of understanding in 2017, the agreement was renewed in 2021. Starting from the same year, CCA financed scholarships for the PhD Program in Economic Sociology and Labor Studies (ESLS).

In this context, the Collegio has hosted the ECSR-NASP-CCA Spring School since 2013, with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo, and since 2017 the EITM-Europe Summer School in collaboration with the University of Mannheim. In 2020 the NASP-hub began its activities, which include: the organization of seminars for NASP PhD students and researchers from the Network; the opportunity for NASP students to spend a visiting period at the CCA and the annual organization of the NASP-CCA days, an annual workshop that offers NASP students an opportunity of training on the frontier of methods in social and political sciences.

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