Turin: a College city
Turin is one of the main university cities in Italy, hosting both the University of Turin and the Polytechnic University of Turin. One out of eight residents in Turin is a student at one of these two universities. In Turin you can easily access everything that is needed for student life.
Public transportation
It is easy to move around Turin using public transportation or bike and car sharing services.
Parks and museums
Turin is a large city by Italian standards (4th largest city in Italy, population approximately 850,000). However, living in Turin is easy. The city features many parks and is culturally attractive and vibrant. It hosts many modern museums (including the Egyptian Museum, the National Museum of Cinema and the Royal Palace of Venaria) and many cultural institutions.
Cost of living
Turin is affordable relative to European cities of similar size. Consider the following indicative costs:
- Single room in shared apartment from € 400, all costs included
- Studio from € 550, all costs included
- Food € 250
- Transport € 38 (monthly bus fare)
- TOTAL monthly expenditure: starting from approx. € 850
Similar figures for other Italian cities would be € 1,500 for Milan, € 1,200 for Rome and € 1,000 for Bologna.
Getting settled
After enrollment, our secretariat can provide you with some useful contacts to start house hunting in Turin.