CEPR European Conference on Household Finance 2023
organized by CEPR and Collegio Carlo Alberto
The CEPR Research and Policy Network (RPN) on Household Finance and the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, with the support of the PhD programme at EDHEC, the National Bank of Denmark and the Queen Mary University of London, are organising the 2023 CEPR European Conference on Household Finance that will take place in Turin, Italy. The objective is to present state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical research on household financial behaviour and on how it is influenced by other choices, government policies, and the overall economic environment. In addition to the two-day conference taking place on 5-6 October 2023, a CEPR Research-Policy-Practice event will be organised by the local organisers and will take place on 4 October 2023.
Programme Committee:
Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore), Steffen Andersen (National Bank of Denmark and CEPR), Martin Brown (Study Center Gerzensee, University of St Gallen, ZEW Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research), Joao Cocco (London Business School and CEPR), Andreas Fuster (EPFL and CEPR), Luigi Guiso (EIEF and CEPR), Tullio Jappelli (University of Naples Federico II, CSEF and CEPR), Matti Keloharju (Aalto University and CEPR), Camelia Kuhnen (University of North Carolina), Alex Michaelides (Imperial College London and CEPR), Monica Paiella (University of Naples Parthenope and CEPR), Jonathan Parker (MIT), Kim Peijnenburg (EDHEC and CEPR), Wenlan Qian (National University of Singapore), Paolo Sodini (Stockholm School of Economics, Swedish House of Finance and CEPR), Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College London and CEPR), Raman Uppal (EDHEC and CEPR) and Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College).
Local Organisers
Giovanna Nicodano (Università di Torino, CEPR and Collegio Carlo Alberto), Laurent Calvet (Skema Business School and CEPR) and Francisco Gomes (London Business School and CEPR)