Call for Submissions: Etta Chiuri Prize 2024
The Società italiana di economia pubblica (SIEP), together with the Associazione italiana economia del lavoro (AIEL), the Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic economics (CHILD – Collegio Carlo Alberto) and the Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), announces the fourteenth edition of the prize in memory of Maria Concetta Chiuri, former Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Mathematics of the University of Bari, who passed away prematurely on September 15, 2009.
Maria Concetta Chiuri was a devoted teacher and a passionate and valuable scholar. Her research interests covered a variety of topics related to important policy issues, such as household decision-making process, housing market imperfections, illegal migration. Her scientific production was highly appreciated in the international academic community. In 2007, she received the Aldi Hagenaars Memorial Award from the Luxembourg Income Study for the article “Do the Elderly Reduce Housing Equity? An International Comparison,” coauthored with Tullio Jappelli, as the best LIS Working Paper written by an economist under the age of forty.
The prize amounts to € 2.500. It is intended for an outstanding unpublished paper, written by an author under the age of forty. The prize will be awarded during the XXXVI SIEP Annual Meeting, to be held at the University of Cagliari on September 12 and 13,2024, and the winner(s) will have the opportunity to present their paper at the Conference.
The submission deadline is April 14, 2024.