The Seventh Workshop in Macro Banking and Finance will take place at Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Torino, on October 3-4, 2019. The workshop continues the tradition of yearly meetings among macro-monetary, banking, and financial economists, kindly sponsored by Unicredit Foundation. Its goal is to promote synergies and foster interaction between researchers and institutions.
Antonella Trigari (Università Bocconi) and Josef Zechner (WU Vienna) will deliver the invited lectures.
Young Economists Best Paper Awards
We encourage the participation of young researchers and PhD students close to their thesis completion. Unicredit Foundation will confer two Young Economist Best Paper Awards of EUR 1,500 each.
A paper is eligible only if all its co-authors are born after 1984, and the applicant is either citizen of one of the 14 countries where UniCredit is present or currently employed or enrolled in a PhD program at a university or institution located in any of those 14 countries.
The Collegio-UniTo postgraduate Master in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management offers travel funding to young presenters.
The MBF network pays attention to diversity, and the workshop will host a presentation of the initiative.
Submission information
We welcome submissions on the following and related topics:
- Asset Pricing with Default
- Financial stability and taxes
- Systemic risk and complex organizations
- Regulation and International Competition
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Models with heterogeneous agents (e.g. households, firms, expectations, financial intermediaries)
- Labor and finance
Please send completed papers to before the deadline of June 15th.
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by July 23rd. The final program will be available on the conference website.
Scholars wishing to attend without presenting should send an email to with contact details. Due to the limited number of places available, we encourage to email as early as possible.
Program Committee
Guido Ascari (University of Oxford and University of Pavia)
Fabio Bagliano (Università di Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Pierpaolo Benigno (LUISS Guido Carli and EIEF)
Elena Carletti (Bocconi University)
Efrem Castelnuovo (University of Melbourne and University of Padova)
Domenico Delli Gatti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Carlo Favero (Bocconi University)
Luca Gambetti (University of Turin)
Tullio Jappelli (UniCredit Foundation and University of Naples Federico II)
Roberto Marfè (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Fabrizio Mattesini (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Tommaso Monacelli (Bocconi University)
Giovanna Nicodano (UniCredit Foundation and Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin)
Salvatore Nisticò (Sapienza University of Rome)
Marco Pagano (UniCredit Foundation and University of Naples Federico II)
Loriana Pelizzon (University of Venice and SAFE, Frankfurt)
Lorenza Rossi (University of Pavia)
Patrizio Tirelli (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Paolo Vitale (Luiss University)
UniCredit geographical scope: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.