The "de Castro" Statistics Initative is a joint scientific initiative of the Collegio Carlo Alberto and of the Fondazione "Franca e Diego de Castro", and its mission is to foster research and education in statistics.
The Statistics Initiative is named after Professor Diego de Castro, former leading figure of the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Torino. It is hosted at the Collegio and promotes and coordinates its scientific activities in Statistics and related areas in collaboration with the University of Torino.
Current research topics include statistical theory and computational methods, with special focus on Bayesian modeling, optimization, randomized and distributed algorithms, as well as applications to economics, econometrics, biology, statistical physics, genomics, ecology and survival analysis.
- Statistics seminars
- Members
- Visitors
- Events
- Meetings
- Publications
- ERC Projects:
-New Directions in Bayesian Nonparametrics (N-BNP)
-Optimization and inference algorithms (OPTINF)
-Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes for species sampling problems (NBEB-SSP) - Contacts