
PhD in Social Science, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, 1999

Research Interests

Family and Social Policy, Comparative Welfare State, Gender Studies, Work-family Reconciliation Issues, Gender and Academia


Professor of Sociology of Family and Welfare State Systems, University of Turin

Selected Works

  • 2018 Gender and Generational Division in EU Citizenship. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship Series (eds with T. Knijn), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
  • 2016 “Politics of defamilialization: A comparison of Italy, Japan, Korea and Spain” (with  Estévez-Abe, M.), in:  Journal of European Social Policy, Vol 26 (4): pp. 327 - 343
  • 2016 "Female Employment and Elderly Care: The Role of Care Policies and Culture in 21 European Countries" (with Solera, C. and Pavolini, E.) in:  Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 30 (4): pp. 607-630

Carlo Alberto Fellow

+39 011 15630800