
PhD in Statistics, Bocconi University, 2009

Research Interests

Nonparametric Bayes and Empirical Bayes, Statistical Machine Learning, Data Confidentiality and Fairness, Learning-augmented Algorithms, Provable Deep Learning

Other positions

Professor of Statistics, University of Torino

Selected Works

  • More for less: predicting and maximizing genetic variant discovery via Bayesian nonparametrics, with T. Broderick and L. Masoero, Biometrika, 2021.
  • Optimal disclosure risk assessment, with F. Camerlenghi, Z. Naulet and F. Panero, Annals of Statistics, 2021.
  • Consistent estimation of small masses in feature sampling, with F. Ayed and M. Battiston, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021.