
PhD in Statistics, Bocconi University, 2006

Research Interests

Bayesian nonparametric statistics, asymptotic theory for posterior inference, large deviations, cluster analysis, stochastic block models


Professor of Statistics, University of Torino

Selected Works

  • De Blasi, P., Gil-Leyva, M. F. (2023). Gibbs sampling for mixtures in order of appearance: the ordered allocation sampler. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 32 (4), 1416-1424.
  • Catalano, M., De Blasi, P., Lijoi, A., Prünster, I. (2022). Posterior asymptotics for boosted hierarchical Dirichlet process mixtures. Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (80), 1−23, 2022.
  • Arbel, J., De Blasi, P., Prünster, I. (2019). Stochastic approximations to the Pitman-Yor process. Bayesian Analysis 14, 1201-1219.

Carlo Alberto Fellow

+39 011 670 5282