PhD in Statistics, Bocconi University, 2006
Research Interests
Bayesian Nonparametrics, Posterior Consistency, High Order Asymptotics, Survival Analysis
Assistant Professor, University of Torino
Selected Works
- Asymptotic behavior of the number of distinct values in a sample from the geometric stick breaking process, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, with Mena R.H. and Prüenster I., 2021, in press.
- Stochastic approximations to the Pitman-Yor process, Bayesian Analysis 14, 1201-1219, with Arbel J. and Prüenster I., 2019.
- Wright-Fisher construction of the two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet diffusion, The Annals of Applied Probability 27, 1923-1950, with Costantini C., Ethier S.N., Ruggiero M. and Spano' D., 2017.