Research focus

The main areas of research focus are economics, finance and statistics, legal studies, social and political studies, with most research projects spanning these disciplines in an interdisciplinary way.

Scientific research follows a "bottom-up" approach, typical of institutions primarily dedicated to basic research, characterized by:

  • producing work at the research frontier, with particular attention on policy relevance
  • publishing in major international scientific journals
  • participating in competitive national and international calls for research grants
  • pursuing connections and partnerships with researchers from universities in Torino and in other institutions (both Italian and international)

Thematic areas

Family and demographic dynamics, migration dynamics and integration policies, welfare, legal studies, labor economics, data science, are only a few of CCA’s lines of research. Our current studies can be grouped under seven major thematic areas, encompassing the research interests of the faculty across the disciplinary macro-areas of the Collegio – economics, finance and statistics, social and political studies, and legal studies:

  • Governance and trust: why is the citizens’ trust in democratic institutions diminishing? How can we tackle this problem and its side effects?
  • Diversity and inequality in a plural society: what are the forms of inequality in Western societies? Can they be transformed into opportunities?
  • Sustainability, stability and security: how can we ensure a sustainable and safe future? What are the risks ahead, and how can they be dealt with?
  • Regulation of markets in global contexts: how can we guarantee the rights of workers, consumers and citizens in a world increasingly populated by global companies?
  • Challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation: how can we prevent innovations brought by digital transformation from being a cause of greater inequality, both at the economic and social level? Can they be turned into opportunities for greater social well-being?
  • Finance and long-term investment: how can we foster long-term investment from institutional investors and other actors? How can long-term investment strategies support innovative welfare models?
  • Data science and analysis: how can we generate value for research and the private sector from the advanced analysis of large amounts of data?

Across all the thematic areas, the CCA's approach is strongly oriented towards supporting the definition of policy measures, with the goal of creating concrete solutions to address the challenges faced by developing countries.

The preliminary research findings are presented in a Working Papers series, the Carlo Alberto Notebooks.

Research impact

The researchers working at CCA constitute a high-level international and multidisciplinary scientific community, which includes already established scholars, among the best in their field of research, and young researchers selected from the most competitive PhD programs in the world. Thanks to their skills and results, Collegio Carlo Alberto contributes to increasing the prestige and ability to attract talent of the University of Turin, generating important impacts on the territory.

Explore our Research Groups

CCA research actively supports policymakers in crafting strategies for economic development, financial stability, and social inclusion in both advanced and developing economies. About 60% of the Collegio’s scientific production is explicitly meant to contribute to the policy debate, in Italy as well as at the international level.

The international projects in which CCA participates generate a tangible impact on society by influencing global policies and research agendas, contributing to addressing major global challenges, such as migration and environmental risks. Additionally, the CCA's participation in international projects promotes the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and cultural perspectives with institutions from different countries and backgrounds.

To make the most of the extensive expertise provided by its Faculty and to offer innovative tools in the area of policy evaluation and design, the CCA has launched strategic initiatives - the DataLab and the Behavioral Design Unit - and has strengthened the research group around the Impact Evaluation Unit. Some of the most “applied” research activity carried out at Collegio Carlo Alberto is now carried out in connection to these three Units.

Finally, the Collegio hosts several research networks, some of which predate the establishment of the Collegio itself, that share its emphasis on interdisciplinary work within Economics, Finance and Public Policy.
